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Thanksgiving Commemoration of 61 Years of Fapet UB 

Thanksgiving Commemoration of 61 Years of Fapet UB 

Thursday, 27 October 2022
Oleh : Admin Fapet

Faculty of Animal Husbandry Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) enters the age of 61 years on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Commemoration of gratitude for the progress and development of the Faculty is carried out by holding a celebration. Located on the 8th floor of the Auditorium, the event invited the Dean of the 1986 to 2015 period, retired lecturers and education staff, student representatives, stakeholders, as well as active lecturers and education staff. 

The event was opened by the Dean, Prof. Suyadi by describing the academic achievements of Fapet UB from year to year. He said the achievements that have been obtained such as national and international accreditation, building construction, superior programs are a joint effort. 

“Even though he is no longer serving as a leader and even retired from duty, Fapet’s current achievement is a collective struggle. Thank God, now our beloved Faculty has obtained superior accreditation from BAN PT for Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral Programs as well as ASIIN international accreditation.” explained Suyadi

“We also ask for your blessing, ladies and gentlemen. Currently our friends are struggling to get an international accreditation called AQAS for the Masters program. On the other hand, we are also constructing the Postgraduate Program building to the west of building.”he continued

then the dean and the vice dean give a slice of tumpeng to Prof. Soebarinoto (Dean for the period 1993-1998), Prof. Sarwiyono (Dean 1998-2001), Prof. Ifar Subagyo (Dean for the period 2001-2006), and Prof. Hartutik (Dean for the period 2007-2010). The next event was the awarding of awards for the MBKM activity partner category, the category of continuing H-index which is more than equal to four, the top six contributions to the excellent accreditation of the Masters program, the top six contributions to the excellent accreditation of the Doctoral program, the top six contributions to the MBKM accreditation, Lecturers who have completed the program Doctoral, as well as Lecturers and retired staff.

The category of MBKM activity partners is given to PT. Sawo Jaya Farm, PT. Perumda Tunas, PT. Cianjur Arta Makmur, PT. Widodo Makmur Poultry, PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, PT. Japfa Comfeed Indonesia, PT. Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya, PT. Aruning Sejahtera Champion, UD Berlin Farm, PT. Nutricel Pacific, PT. Ciomas Adisatwa, PT. Tajimaku, and PT. Cibadak Indah Sari Farm.

penghargaan kepada mitra MBKM

The category of forwarding the H-index more than equal to four is submitted to Prof. Djalal Rosyidi, Dr. Marjuki, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas, M.Sc., and Danung Nur Adli, M.Sc. The top six categories of excellent accreditation contributions for master’s programs for Dr. Tri Eko Susilorini, Prof. Osfar Sjofjan, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, M.Sc., Dr. Dedes Amertaningtyas, Puji Akhiroh, M.Sc, and Dr. Dyah Lestari. 

The top six categories of excellent accreditation contributions for the Doctoral program are given to Prof. Lilik Eka Radiati, Prof. VMAni Nurgiartiningsih, Asri Nurul Huda, M.Sc., Rizki Prafitri, Ph.D., Ria Dewi, M.Sc., and Poespitasari Hazanah Ndaru, MP. The award for the six major categories of MBKM accreditation contributions was given to Rizki Prafitri, Ph.D., Prof. Osfar Sjofjan, Dr. Rini Dwi Wahyuni, Jaisy Agniarahim, MP., Puji Akhiroh, M.Sc., and Yuli Frita Nuningtyas, M.Sc.

pengundian doorprize

In 2022, there are two lecturers who have completed doctoral studies, namely Dr. Heli Tistiana and Eko Nugroho, Ph.D. Both of them were given an award for their efforts to get a Doctorate degree that supports the reputation and quality of learning at Fapet UB. The last award is given to lecturers and education staff who have retired. Among them are Dr. Edhy Sudjarwo, Dr. Agus Budiarto, (late) Dr. Bambang Ali Nugroho, and (late) Ida Paloepi, ST. The closing of the event was carried out by drawing door prizes for donations from leaders and stakeholders. (dta)

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