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Probin 4: Guidance and Understanding of Anti-Corruption and Anti-Drug Abuse for Newborns

Probin 4: Guidance and Understanding of Anti-Corruption and Anti-Drug Abuse for Newborns

Monday, 15 November 2021
Oleh : Humas FapetUB

According to Law no. 20 of 2001, the definition of corruption is an act against the law with the intention of enriching oneself and others, which results in harm to the state or the state economy. Forms of corruption such as bribery, embezzlement in office, extortion, conflict of interest in procurement, and gratuities.

Perpetrators of corruption in Indonesia 86% are graduates from universities, so that early coaching is needed for students. Because students are candidates for the nation’s successors who will continue the development and improvement of the quality of the country.

Therefore, the Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Brawijaya, through its new student coaching program (probin) discussed the theme “Anti-Corruption Class: Anti-Corruption Spirit Movement from the Young Generation of Nation Leaders, Counseling on the Anti-Drug Abuse Movement, and Socialization of the Indonesian Animal Husbandry Student Senate Association (ISMAPETI). ” The fourth probin activity is still being carried out online, Saturday (11/13/2021).

The invited speakers include Dr. Fachrizal Afandi, S.Psi., SH, MH (Lecturer of the Faculty of Law UB) who delivered the Anti-Corruption Spirit Movement of the Young Generation as Candidates for National Leaders. Ahmad Muhajir Ansori, M.Pd on the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Education. Ni Komang Sinta Tri Utami and Iqbal Rafly Aditya on Combating Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS, and Mohamad Komaruddin (main manager of IMAPETI korwil 4) who introduced the IMAPETI organization.

Ahmad Muhajir Ansori shared tips for students to avoid corruption from an early age. Namely by applying honesty, caring, independence, disciplined, responsible, hard work, simplicity, courage, and fairness.

In line with that statement, Dr. Fachrizal conveyed the need for anti-corruption education which could be done in several ways. Such as the lawyer approach, regulations to close corrupt loopholes, business approach, fair competition, good service market approach, cultural approach, and strengthening anti-corruption values.

Meanwhile, Ni Komang explained the difference between narcotics and drugs. According to him, narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants or non-plants, both synthetic and semi-synthetic, which can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of pain, and can cause dependence. While drugs are substances that can affect a person’s physical, psychological or psychological condition, and can cause dependence.

“There are several levels of drug use, including experimental use: just to satisfy curiosity, recreational use: socializing when hanging out with friends, situational use: relieving discomfort, intensive use: daily use, and dependent use: triggered by urges. to reuse.” clear Ni Komang

“Drug use can trigger HIV/AIDS if the needles are used interchangeably. Because the object of transmission is free sex, blood contact, sperm, syringes, tattoo/piercing tools.” added

Prevention of HIV AIDS, said Iqbal, can be done in A, B, C, D, E. Namely A (Abstinence), meaning the absence of sex or not having sex for those who are not married. B (Be Faithful), being loyal to one sex partner (not changing partners). C (Condom), prevent HIV transmission through sexual intercourse by using a condom. D (Drug No), which means it is prohibited to use drugs, and E (Equipment), using clean, sterile, single-use tools, not alternating, including shaving, and so on (E can also provide education, provide correct information).

Then at the end of the event, Moh. Komaruddin introduced IMAPETI or the Indonesian Animal Husbandry Student Senate Association (ISMAPETI). Namely the Indonesian Animal Science Student Association was formed on April 18, 1983, in Baturaden, Purwokerto, Central Java. The organization has five regions from Sumatra to Papua. IMAPETI aims to increase the active role of Indonesian students in advancing the world of animal husbandry in order to educate the nation’s life. (dta)










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