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Submission of Academic Degrees through the Virtual Judicium

Submission of Academic Degrees through the Virtual Judicium

Friday, 5 March 2021
Oleh : Humas FapetUB

Judicium is a sacred activity of submitting academic degrees that have been achieved by students from the leadership of the Faculty. As well as a sign of the status change from student to alumni.

So the judicium activity is one of the academic agendas that must be held even in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. So that even though it is done virtually, participants are required to attend the event and cannot be represented. For students who do not attend, their status has not been audited.

The statement was conveyed by the Dean of the  Animal Science Faculty of Universitas Brawijaya (ASF UB), Prof. Suyadi when opening the online judiciary for the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs, Friday (5/3/2021). The activity was attended by 27 participants consisting of 20 Bachelor of Animal Husbandry (S.Pt), five Masters in Animal Husbandry (M.Pt) students, and two Doctoral students (Dr).

Based on the minutes of the UB Faculty of Animal Science graduate graduation ceremony number 364 / UN10.F05.01 / PP / 2021 students who are entitled to hold the S.Pt title are as follows:

No Name NIM GPA Duration of Study Predicate
1 Dani Maftuhus Said 165050107111080 3.43 4 th-8 bl   Very Satisfying
2 ERISA Aliffatul Maulidah 165,050,101,111,009 3:40 4 th-8 bl   Very Satisfying
3 Dinda Nacita Maharanti Mandar 165,050,107,111,039 3:37 4 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
4 Abdul Malik Sulton 165,050,107,111,145 3:34 4 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
5 Asyahrianto Satria Yudha Prakoso 165,050,107,111,038 3:33 4 th -8 bl Very Satisfying
6 Permana Royyan 165050101111094 3.27 4 years-8 bl Very Satisfying
7 Dwi Bima Erfan Nugraha 165050101111055 3.20 4 years-8 bl Very Satisfying
8 Ahlul Wisdom 165050107111025 3.16 4 years-8 bl Very Satisfying
9 Dwi Budiarto Utomo 1650501011114 3.13 4 year-8 bl Very Satisfying
10 Zikri Manggala Putra 165050107111111 3.12 4 yr-8 bl Very Satisfying
11 Jiblul Kafi 165050101111233 3.11 4 yr-8 bl Very Satisfying
12 Yoga Arif Romadhon 16505010711 1156 3.10 4 years-8 bl Very Satisfying
13 Khalifa Soraya Lubis 165050101111265 2.98 4 years-8 bl Very Satisfying
14 Dinda Wike Octavia 165050101111263yrs 2.80 4-8 bl Very Satisfying
15 Akbar Maulana Avadi 155050107111081yrs 2.97 5-8 bl Very Satisfying
16 Luthfi Musyafa Ramadan 155050107111064 2.95 5 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
17 Good Dwiyono 155,050,101,111,166 2.94 5 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
18 Mohammed Dana Koesprizaki 155,050,100,111,249 2.93 5 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
19 Wildfire Noor Ahmed 145,050,100,111,236 2.89 6 th-8 bl Very Satisfying
20 Salsabilla Fajar Ramdhani 185050109111060 3.53 2 years-8 bl Very satisfying

 Meanwhile, students who graduated from the Animal Science Master Program and Doctoral Science Program who obtained the M.Pt and Doctoral degrees are written in the minutes of the UB Faculty of Animal Science Postgraduate Program judiciary number 375 / UN10.F05 / PP / 2021 and 376 / UN10.F05 / PP / 2021 are:

No name NIM GPA Lama Studies Predicate Information
1 Doni Herviyanto 186,050,100,111,001 3.92 2 th 7 bln With Compliments Magister
2 Sri Hindrawati 186,050,100,111,034 3.97 2 years 7 months Very Satisfying Magister
3 Adhika Rifqi Pangestika 186,050,100,111,017 3.83 2 years 7 months Very Satisfying Magister
4 Muhammad Irsyan Maulana 176050100111009satisfying 3.76 3 years 7 months Very Satisfying Magister
5 Dimas Bhakti Nan Ichsani  176050100011013 3.62 3 years 2 months Very Satisfying Magister
6 Nonok Supartini 177050100111001 4 3 years 7 months With Compliments Doctoral
7 Efi Rokana 177050100111006 3.97 3 years 7 months With Compliments Doctoral




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