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New Fapet Professor Finds Self-Sufficient Solution for Meat and Feed Formulation to Increase Chicken Productivity

New Fapet Professor Finds Self-Sufficient Solution for Meat and Feed Formulation to Increase Chicken Productivity

Saturday, 20 March 2021
Oleh : Humas FapetUB

in 2021 The Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) has increased the quantity of active professors so that currently it has 17 people. The additions were obtained after the appointment of Dr. Ir. Nurul Isnaini, MP and Dr. M. Halim Natsir, S.Pt, MP, IPM, ASEAN Eng became a professor.

Written in the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI) number 109952 / MPK / KP / 2020 dated 18 November 2020, assigning Prof. Nurul as Professor of Animal Reproduction Management Science. Meanwhile, Prof. Halim is declared as Professor of Nutrition Science and Poultry Feed Processing Technology as stated in the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture RI number 122610 / MPK / KP / 2020 dated November 18, 2020.

Given the pandemic conditions that are not yet conducive, the inauguration of the title by the chairman of the UB Senate, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ariffin, MS was conducted online through the ZOOM meeting, Saturday (20/03/2021). On that occasion Prof. Nurul delivered a scientific oration on “Reproductive Technology Strategies to Produce Twin Births in Buffalo”.

Nurul is of the opinion that until now domestic beef and buffalo production can only contribute 50.6% to the fulfillment of national availability, then 49.4% of the shortfall must be met through imports.

“The development of buffalo livestock actually has a pretty good prospect to support efforts to achieve self-sufficiency in meat. However, the maintenance system that still uses the traditional system has resulted in a decline in the buffalo population in the last 10 years. ” He explained

, therefore, a reproductive technology strategy is needed to increase the population and productivity of buffalo, namely by striving for multiple births. This strategy can be carried out by synergizing several reproductive technologies, namely superovulation induction and artificial insemination methods, superovulation induction methods, artificial insemination and embryo transfer, as well as in vitro oocyte maturation methods, in vitro fertilization, and embryo transfer.

However, the strategy of multiple births has a negative impact, such as the high risk of reproductive problems so that cattle experience difficulty in giving birth, low birth weight and weight gain of children, and the occurrence of freemartin syndrome (sterility) in female children.

“The steps to mitigate this impact are placing the buffalo in isolation cages with routine supervision just before childbirth, providing high nutrient density feed during pregnancy and lactation, and using sexed spermatozoa for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization.” concluded the Lecturer with an interest in Animal Production.

Meanwhile Prof. Halim also presented a scientific oration entitled “Production Technology Natural Growth Promoter and the Concept of Feed Formulation in the Industrial Age 4.0 as Efforts to Increase Chicken Productivity.” He said the food safety of chicken products must be supported by the safety of chicken feed both in the form of feed additives and main feed.

“The use ofAntibiotics Growth Promoter (AGP) as a feed additive can cause residues in chicken products. So that it causes certain antibiotic resistance problems in chickens and humans who consume chicken products, ”he explained,

AGP could be replaced with natural products Natural Growth Promoter (NGP). However, the wrong choice of NGP production technology causes less optimal effect on the productivity and health of chickens. Based on his research, Halim interpreted the NGP production technology using double-coating nano encapsulation technology to prove effective in replacing AGP.

“The feed formulation in the smart farming concept will use a platform that is connected to advanced technology, combining sensor system data, availability and distribution of feed ingredients, feed additives, chicken and cage data and supported by nutrigenomics, which can improve the quality of feed in accordance with the conditions of the chickens on the farm. so that the productivity and health of chickens increases. ” he concluded (dta)


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