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Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB Integrity Zone

Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB Integrity Zone

Saturday, 28 October 2023
Oleh : Admin Fapet

Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB has carried out the Designation of an Integrity Zone (ZI) on Friday 27 October 2023. This activity aims to create a Corruption Free Area / Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area through bureaucratic reform, especially in terms of creating clean and accountable agencies and public services the prime. Attended by the leadership ranks starting from the Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Halim Natsir, S.Pt.,MP.,IPM.ASEAN Eng, Ir. Rizki Prafitri, S.Pt., MA. As Deputy Dean I, Dr.Ir. Agus Susilo, S.Pt., MP., IPM.ASEAN Eng, as Deputy Dean II, and Dr. Ir. Eko Widodo, M.Agr.Sc.M.Sc.., as Deputy Dean III, as well as all lecturers and educational staff within the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB are fully committed to realizing change for the better. Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB is the work unit that launched the Integrity Zone (ZI) within the Brawijaya University environment.

Bureaucratic Reform Division, Chair of RBPAN UB, Dr. Ngesti Dwi Prasetya S.H., M.Hum in his socialization regarding the construction of the Environmental Integrity Zone for UB Work Units targets that in 2023 all units will launch RB/ZI to support the Chancellor’s direction and implement government programs. “Brawijaya University aims to realize higher education governance that is accountable, effective, efficient, up-to-date and integrated so that it is able to compete at national and international levels (bureaucratic reform index) as well as realizing quality governance, so this declaration can be an initial milestone achieve that goal. With the construction of the Integrity Zone, it is hoped that there will be areas of change that must be worked on. Not only completing the evaluation worksheet, but also intended to carry out a real change process in existing work units. he said

With this process of launching and declaring, it will certainly be easier. Because the leadership’s commitment is one of the entry points. Regarding the processes of building integrity zones in Faculty of Animal Husbandry UB

Dr. Ngesti also conveyed the importance of the three pillars which are the main milestones in the launch of RB in each unit, namely the ZI TEAM, Change Agent, and the Complaint Handling and Gratification Control Team (TP3G) apart from the Leadership who are role models in daily implementation. Bureaucratic reform encourages accelerated change, resulting in good governance and work culture. Accelerating these changes can have a real impact. In accordance with the RB/ZI UB tagline “Change faster, create greater work”. [AEO]


Posted in Berita, sdg16