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Accepts New Students for Postgraduate Program, Dean Invites to Increase Scientific Publications by Collaborating on Research 

Accepts New Students for Postgraduate Program, Dean Invites to Increase Scientific Publications by Collaborating on Research 

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Oleh : Humas FapetUB

Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB) accepts 91 new students from the Postgraduate Program in Animal Science. Consisting of 75 Masters (S2) students and 16 Doctoral (S3) students. They are the accumulation of registrants in the even semester of the 2021/2022 academic year and the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year.

A total of 14 new masters students enrolled in the even semester and 27 participants in the odd semester. And 34 students from the acceleration program or fast track. As for doctoral students, there are 4 freshmen registrants in the even semester and 12 students in the odd semester.

Welcoming the new family was carried out by organizing an education and student orientation (ordik), Thursday (1/9/2022). Located on the 8th floor of the Auditorium, the event was held in a hybrid manner, but participants were required to attend offline. Meanwhile, online facilities are dedicated to professors, lecturers in the Postgraduate program, and speakers from the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).

pembukaan ordik oleh Dekan Fapet UB

The opening was approved by the Dean of Fapet UB, Prof. Dr. Sc. Arg.Ir. Suyadi, MS, IPU., ASEAN Eng with the beating of a gong. In his remarks, Suyadi said that students in the Masters and Doctoral Programs can collaborate with teaching lecturers and supervisors.

“As said by UB’s Chancellor, Prof. Widodo during the Ordik event at Samantha Krida last week, that S2 and S3 students are partners who must be involved in research and innovation.” explained the Professor in the field of Biotechnology and Livestock Reproduction

“By joining the brothers and sisters to become postgraduate students, it is expected to increase scientific publications at Fapet UB.” He added

that the role of scientific journals that have been published both nationally and internationally can improve the academic reputation of universities. Because it can carry out the obligations of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service.

“Scientific journals are a means of developing knowledge, disseminating research results, developing academic culture, exchanging information to generate new ideas and ideas for science and technology. In addition, as a database, public policies are initiated.” he concluded

Orientasi pendidikan dan kemahasiswaan mahasiswa Program Pascasarjana Fapet UB

Meanwhile, the head of the master’s program as well as the chief executive, Dr.Ir. Tri Eko Susilorini, MP.,IPM.,ASEAN Eng said, in order to open new students’ knowledge about journal writing, the Professor of IPB, Prof.Dr.Sc.ETH was brought in. Anuraga Jayanegara, S.Pt.,Pg Dip.,M.Sc. as a speaker. He delivered “Meta Analysis in Improving the Competence of Postgraduate Students in Writing Reputable Articles’ ‘ through a zoom meeting.

Then the material for central library services and digital journals was delivered by Dr. Iwan Permadi, SH. M.Hum as the head of UB’s library for the period 2021-2025. Then the topic Curriculum and Financial Management are delivered alternately by the deputy dean of academics and the coordinator of the finance and resources subsection.The Ordik event is closed with the delivery of material by each head of the study program.(dta)


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