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Implementing Double Dose Artificial Insemination (IB) toIncrease Population and Productivity of Dairy Cattle in Pujon, Malang

Implementing Double Dose Artificial Insemination (IB) toIncrease Population and Productivity of Dairy Cattle in Pujon, Malang

Monday, 22 August 2022
Oleh : Humas FapetUB

Malang Regency is one of the centers of milk production in East Java province. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency, the population of dairy cattle in East Java reached 81,150 heads, of which 20,411 heads came from Pujon – Malang Regency. So the Pujon area has great potential for the development of dairy cattle farming.

According to the Lecturer of the Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Brawijaya (Fapet UB), Dr. Ir. Hermanto.,MP, one of the dairy farming development programs is to increase the population and improve milk production. The establishment of a seed source area through a nursery group can support the program. 

“The birth of a dairy cow calf is an important factor in the production activities of a dairy farming business, both for seed production and milk production. So it is necessary to evaluate the birth of dairy cows to support good production management.” said Hermanto 

In response to this, he collaborates with UB Lecturers who are members of the Serving Doctorate in implementing Artificial Insemination (IB) to increase the success of pregnant dairy cattle for members of the SAE Pujon cooperative. The team consists of Dr. Nanang Febrianto, S.Pt. MP (Fapet), Dr. Ir. Ary Mustofa Ahmad, MP (Faculty of Agricultural Technology), Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, S.Pt. MP. M.Sc. (Fapet), and Onni Meirezaldi, S.sos. MM (Faculty of Administrative Sciences).

Hermanto, who acted as team leader, explained that the main problem for farmers in the SAE Cooperative is the lack of knowledge about reproductive management. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the knowledge and skills of farmers regarding the application of reproductive management, especially in terms of estrus detection and AI. The goal is to increase the number of IB pregnancies and the genetic quality of children born, so that milk production also increases.

The IB method taught uses the sperm (semen) of superior bulls of the Friesian Holstein (FH) Pure Breed. They applied the double dose method, namely in one IB process, using two straws with a higher number of spermatozoa, in order to increase the chances of successful pregnancy.

“We hope that with this method, FH dairy cows will have superior genetic quality and higher milk production. And produce a better conception rate, thereby increasing the number of pregnant females.” concluded Hermanto (dta)

Posted in Berita, SDG08, SDG10