Fapet Journal

Portal the most complete Animal Science Journals produced by Lecturers in the Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University.

Tracer Study

The results of the tracer study to improve the quality of the internal and external fapet UB. We absolutely guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided.

Download Form

Collection of Faculty of Animal Husbandry Forms.


Penerbit Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya


Information System for Specialization and Final Project.


Complaints that are submitted will be conveyed to related work units through the leadership of Universitas Brawijaya. All complaints will be managed by PIDK (Information, Documentation and Complaints Center).


A collection of journal manuscripts for undergraduate students of Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University.


Information Portal for Introduction to Campus Life.

Fapet UB Slides

PowerPoint templatesto boost your presentations

Kuesioner Tracer Study Bagi Stakeholders

Survey ini digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi kinerja lulusan serta wujud nyata untuk meningkatkan mutu lulusan.

Laporan Tracer Study

Tracer Study laporan dari tahun 2016, 2017 dan 2018

Informasi Seminar Hasil

Informasi Seminar Hasil terbaru mahasiswa program Sarjana Peternakan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Brawijaya


Tuesday, 17 December 2024
Oleh : Admin Fapet

In preparation for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) 2025, it is hereby informed to all Universitas Brawijaya students to prepare and submit their PKM idea outlines in accordance with the stipulated guidelines.

PKM Outline Submission Requirements

  1. The PKM idea outline must be submitted in PDF format.
  2. The maximum file size is 10 MB.
  3. Deadline for PKM outline submission:

PKM 2025 Implementation Timeline

  1. December 20-22, 2024: Submission of PKM idea outlines.
  2. December 27, 2024 – January 3, 2025: Review of PKM outlines by reviewers.
  3. January 3-5, 2025: Presentation and feedback on PKM outlines (online).
  4. January 6-14, 2025: Submission of PKM proposals for internal selection at UB.
  5. January 15-20, 2025: Review I (Proposal manuscript evaluation).
  6. January 22, 2025: Announcement of internal selection results at UB.
  7. February 3-5, 2025: Submission of revised proposals (content and template improvement).
  8. February 3-8, 2025: Review II (Template check).
  9. February 7-8, 2025: Review III (on-site review).
  10. February 13-14, 2025: Review IV (on-site with revisions).
  11. February 15-16, 2025: Submission of final titles, teams, and supervisors.
  12. February 17-21, 2025: Uploading titles, names, and supervisors to Simbelmawa (operator).
  13. February 22-23, 2025: Submission of final revised proposals (final online check with reviewers).
  14. February 24-27, 2025: Proposal submission by students.
  15. February 28, 2025: Validation by academic supervisors.
  16. March 1, 2025: Validation by university leadership.

PKM Outline Format

  1. Title: Reflective, maximum of 20 words, starting with capital letters for each word (except conjunctions).
  2. Identification:
    • Student name, Student ID (NIM), Program, Faculty.
    • Name of Academic Supervisor (if applicable).
  3. Summary: Maximum 500 words, including:
    • Introduction (problems, novelty, creativity, urgency).
    • Objectives.
    • Activity methods.

This announcement is hereby conveyed, and we hope all students interested in participating in PKM 2025 will take note and comply with the guidelines. Let us strive together to produce quality proposals and achieve outstanding results.

Malang, December 13, 2024
Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Student Entrepreneurship

Dr. Setiawan Noerdajasakti, S.H., M.H.
NIP: 196406201989031002

Download : Surat Edaran dan Timeline Pelaksanaan Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) 2025