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Supporting the New Intelligence Livestock Industry, Minister of Communication and Digital Inaugurates UB’s AI Center and Data Center

Supporting the New Intelligence Livestock Industry, Minister of Communication and Digital Inaugurates UB’s AI Center and Data Center

Monday, 6 January 2025
Oleh : Admin Fapet

Malang, January 5, 2025 – The Minister of Communication and Digital, Meutya Hafid, inaugurated the AI Center and Data Center at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on Sunday (5/1). This inauguration marks a strategic step by UB in utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to support national development, particularly in the field of food security. UB’s AI Center and Data Center are among the first artificial intelligence hubs established in an Indonesian university.

In her speech, Meutya Hafid expressed her appreciation for UB’s initiative in quickly responding to technological advancements in AI. “Today, we are witnessing the inauguration of the AI Center and Data Center at Universitas Brawijaya, which is expected to become a hub for AI innovation in Indonesia. One of its main focuses is the application of AI to support food security, which is a national priority,” she said.

In addition to inaugurating the technology center, Meutya Hafid showed great interest in a research project presented by Danung Nur Adli, SPt., MSc., MPt., a lecturer at UB’s Faculty of Animal Husbandry. The research, known as Real-Time Technology Services for Poultry (LENTERA), is an AI-based innovation aimed at improving productivity and efficiency in poultry farming.

Danung explained that per capita chicken meat consumption in Indonesia ranges from 7 to 11 kilograms per year. Through the LENTERA technology, farmers are expected to receive real-time information about the condition of their poultry, thus improving production outcomes and stabilizing market prices. “This technology offers a practical solution for farmers to monitor the health and growth of their poultry more effectively,” Danung explained.

Responding to the research, Meutya Hafid emphasized the importance of continuing this project to bolster national food security. She noted that technology-based innovations like LENTERA could be a key factor in maintaining food stability amidst global challenges.

“The development of AI-based technology in the livestock sector will have a significant impact, not only on food security but also on improving the welfare of local farmers,” Meutya added.

The inauguration of UB’s AI Center and Data Center was attended by university officials, academics, and students who enthusiastically welcomed the establishment of this technology hub. Moving forward, UB is committed to continuing the development of various AI-based innovations, not only in livestock but also in other strategic sectors.

With the establishment of this AI Center and Data Center, UB is expected to become a leading artificial intelligence hub in Indonesia, actively contributing to the national development agenda through technology. mtn

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